Azure Cosmos DB

What is Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed globally distributed, multi-model database as a service. The way it was built, Azure Cosmos DB guarantees a low latency and allows for massive scale. With the turnkey global distribution, you can easily scale and replicate your data across many different Azure Regions with only a few clicks.

Azure Cosmos DB natively supports NoSQL and APIs like MongoDB, Cassandra, Gremlin and SQL.

Why Azure Cosmos DB

Globally distributed

Azure Cosmos DB replicates the data in the Azure regions that are selected by the user. With this, the users can always use the replica of the database, which is closest to the region they are in. The turnkey global distribution makes Azure Cosmos DB to be highly available and highly responsive. It provides 99.999% high availability for both reads and writes.

Designed to achieve low latency

Azure Cosmos DB is an enabler for applications that need to be highly responsive. The engine of Azure Cosmos DB is highly optimized for writes and together with the replication protocol used, it can guarantee low latency, less than 10ms for both reads and writes at the 99th percentile all around the world.

Elastically scale and pay for what you use

Azure Cosmos DB offers a horizontal scaling for the reads and the writes of your applications. It offers the possibility to elastically scale both for the throughput and storage and pay only for what you need. The possibility to elastically scale globally allows the applications that have unpredictable workloads to quickly scale and process all the requests with low latency.

Fully managed service

As a fully managed service, Azure Cosmos DB eliminates the complexity of building and maintaining a complex database infrastructure.

Suitable for:

  • Organizations that already have NoSQL database and want to modernize and migrate to fully managed solution
  • Applications that need to ensure high-performance anywhere in the world
  • Applications that need to respond in real-time
  • Applications which have unpredictable workloads and require fast scale at large changes in peak hours
  • Applications that require data to be available in milliseconds

How can we help

element61 has the knowledge and expertise to help you with design, implementation on Azure Cosmos DB. Contact us to learn more on how we can help you.