Your Analytics & AI Strategy


"Defining and realizing a coherent, well-targeted and realistic Analytics & Performance

Stijn Vermeulen profile picture

Management vision and strategy is about much more than going out and buying the "right" software.

An Analytics, Data Science & Performance Management Vision is derived directly from the overall corporate strategy, as the purpose of Analytics is to introduce a set of processes and instruments that will allow to closely track your company performance and execution against that strategy."

- Stijn Vermeulen, Managing Director -

element61 has the senior expertise it takes to define an Analytics, Data Science & Performance Management Vision and Strategy document. For some companies, depending on their complexity, ambition and current BA & CPM/EPM maturity, this may be starting out with a quite basic Analytics initiative in order to improve management reporting. For other companies, this may encompass the introduction of a complex and integrated combination of Activity-Based-Management, advanced predictive data mining algoritms, Balanced Scorecard KPI's, introducing the concept of Data Stewardship in the organisation and setting up an Analytics Competence Center.

element61 can assist you in assessing what components of the Analytics agenda will best benefit your organisation as part of an overall Analytics & Data Strategy. Our Senior consultants have experience in both developing and implementing these strategies in a wide range of companies of different industries.

Contact us to learn more about defining Your Analytics & AI Strategy.