Bram Celi

till now

Analytics Architect

In 2023, Bram obtained a Master of Science in Business Studies, specializing in Management & IT from Ghent University. His decision to pursue further education in Data Science for Business at Ghent University stemmed from a deep-rooted interest in data analysis and machine learning and the desire to work in this exciting field.

During his education, Bram not only developed technical skills but also other essential competencies that enable him to effectively function in a professional environment. He learned various programming languages such as Python, R, SQL and Cypher, alongside acquiring in-depth knowledge about big data and machine learning. Additionally, he also took more business-related courses that enriched his understanding of the business context and allowed him to provide holistic solutions.

Bram completed his master's thesis by applying machine learning to predict sports outcomes, with a particular focus on cyclocross. During his Master in Business Studies, he gained valuable practical experience during an internship at There, he worked on a consultancy project that used graph databases and Python to solve complex business challenges.

In his free time, Bram strives to find harmony between his professional and personal interests. He stays active by engaging in sports, with a preference for futsal, running, and cycling. Additionally, he enjoys exploring engaging video games, which helps him stay fresh and motivated for his professional tasks.

Bram will join element61 in September 2024.